I have always been an active kid playing hockey, baseball, wrestling, and riding my skateboard/bike. In January 2018, that all changed for me. While wrestling, my opponent took me down and my leg broke (tibia). I had a spiral break that took 6-8 weeks to heal in a full cast that then followed a boot for 3 weeks. On impact of my break I told my parents that my knee was hurting but doctors were focused on fixing my broken leg. In May, I was finally released to play baseball again and the first time I ran my knee felt like it was giving out and the pain on impact was terrible.
In June 2018 I had an MRI that confirmed a torn meniscus. After numerous doctors and evaluations, my parents decided that the best care for me would be Hospital for Special Surgery with Dr. Beth Shubin Stein. Dr. Shubin Stein was amazing in calming me down and making me feel confident the surgery would be successful. I can recall waking up from surgery and asking her was it a success, she smiled and said yes. The first few weeks/months after surgery we visited her office numerous times for PRP injections and I worked 3 times a week in physical therapy. Therapy was difficult at times, but I knew what I needed to do to get “Back in the Game”.
To HSS and Dr. Shubin Stein, thank you for all you did in helping me be an active kid again and do what I love to do best. My North Edison baseball team and I recently played in Cooperstown All Star Village. To be with my friends, catch a full game and run the bases after a home run PAIN-FREE, it was one of the best experiences of my life. Thank you Dr. Shubin Stein.
I saw Dr. Beth Shubin Stein after consulting with a surgeon locally in Mount Kisco. I had a torn meniscus and was in a great deal of discomfort. The local surgeon suggested I get surgery right away and told me “you will never get better without surgery with the type of tear you have.” I was discouraged for two reasons: 1. I was hoping he would at least suggest an alternate route to try. I’m fine to get surgery if I need it, but didn’t want to rush into anything and 2. for me to be “out” for several weeks postoperatively would obviously require much juggling for our family. I am an active mother of three working part-time.
Dr. Shubin Stein confirmed my diagnosis, but told me to try physical therapy first and if after the summer it wasn’t better (it was May), then I could consider surgery. She also said that people can live with tears and they don’t always have to be a problem: “If the physical therapy makes you feel better then go do what you would normally do.” The physical therapy helped and was so much like my regular work-out routine that I eventually just started working out again. I use a mega-former three to four times a week and I am feeling just great. I recently went rock-climbing for the first time with my kids. I am so glad I went for a second opinion. I received rational, reasonable advice, gained confidence about the injury and feel great.
I’ve played basketball and/or run for my entire life, and in recent years have run 5Ks and marathons with friends.In training for the Berlin Marathon, I injured my knee, which Dr. Shubin Stein diagnosed as a complex tear of the posterior horn of my left menial meniscus. It hurt to walk and it hurt to straighten my leg, so running was out.
I had arthroscopic surgery on October 7th, about 3 1/2 months after the injury. I never could have imagined that the experience could be so pain-free and effortless. From the moment I arrived at HSS everyone was helpful, friendly, informative, and efficient. I’m sure HSS and Dr. Shubin Stein must performs hundreds of such procedures a year but I never felt like I wasn’t being spoken to as an individual. At the same time, I was impressed by the speed and efficiency of the entire process, from my first encounter with HSS staff upon checking in to the dismissal a few short hours later.
I’m still in the early stages of recovery but I can’t recommend HSS highly enough. I literally cannot think of a single thing that they could have done better, including covering me with a warm blanket (like a load of fresh laundry) shortly after I lay down on the operating table. I’m very appreciative of, and grateful to the entire staff.